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Focus on: joint care and mobility

17% of UK consumers are ‘very or extremely concerned’ about joint health. Adding to this, 55% of the global population have expressed it as a worry. This was revealed in research conducted by Royal DSM a purpose-led global science-based company in nutrition, health and sustainable living.
Mobility remains a key platform within supplements. Products featuring mobility claims accounted for almost 17% of all supplements tracked globally between 2013 and 2017.
Taking joint care supplements is not something that just ageing consumers incorporate into their routine, there is evidence to suggest active younger consumers are looking to joint care supplements as a preventative measure.
Levagen® is a unique ingredient containing palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) which has been formulated to address this demand. 
Download our product sheet for more information or contact our sales team for a quote.

Click here to request a FREE sample of Levagen®

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