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Glucomannan Puffs

Our Glucomannan Puffs are a tasty, high fibre snack available in four different flavours.

Glucomannan is a low calorie, water-soluble dietary fibre extracted from konjac root. It absorbs water in the stomach which contributes to the feeling of fullness.

Our puffs contain 1g of Glucomannan per serving. Glucomannan supplementation studies (1g dose) have found reduced food intake at subsequent meals resulted in lower body fat percentage and BMI.

Glucomannan is the only ingredient that has an EFSA approved claim for weight loss.

Available flavours:

We have Glucomannan and SlimBiome® Puffs available in all four delicious flavours. Please note that we have distribution agreements in place, get in touch for more information.

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Product Sheet Cover

Request a copy of the Glucomannan Puffs product sheet.


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