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ProEarth® is a range of plant-based vegan proteins providing a high protein content with added benefits.

Vegan proteins have become increasingly popular over the years with key trends emerging such as clean eating, raw and paleo combined with the awareness of superfoods.

Vegan proteins are clean label, often allergen-free and easily digestible due to their fibre content. In addition to this, plant protein sources can provide a full profile of amino acids and omega 3 fatty acids. Hemp is comprised of cold-pressed, ground hemp seeds.

The ProEarth® range consists of:

Finished products:

  • Meal Replacement Breakfast
  • ProEarth® Vegan Blend
  • ProEarth® + instAA® Blend

ProEarth® vegan proteins can be included in a variety of finished products including blends, bars and healthy snack products. Download the complete ProEarth® vegan proteins range brochure below.

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Request a copy of the ProEarth® product sheet.


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