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Additives and excipients

Sodium ascorbate dc 99%

Product code: P19141

Sodium Ascorbate is the sodium salt of ascorbic acid.  It can be used both as a nutrient (vitamin C) and as an additive (antioxidant).

We have two types of sodium ascorbate available: ‘P1914’ is the regular sodium ascorbate, ‘P19141’ is the DC (Directly Compressible) grade. The DC grade material is more granular and is more suitable for tablet/capsule applications. The DC grade material contains 1% Corn Starch to help with the compressibility and therefore is only 99% sodium ascorbate.

Sodium ascorbate might be beneficial over ascorbic acid because it is buffered by the sodium, making it less acidic. This might be beneficial for those who suffer from gastrointestinal side effects when they take other forms of vitamin C. Please note that doses (more than 1000mg of vitamin C) may cause mild stomach upset in sensitive individuals.

Sodium Ascorbate contains 88.9% Vitamin C and 11.1% Sodium by mass.  As this material is only 99% Sodium Ascorbate, the overall material contains ~88% Vitamin C and ~11% Sodium. Therefore, to obtain the following label claims, you would require these quantities of DC grade sodium ascorbate preparation

12mg Vitamin C (15%) RI:*  :  13.6mg of Sodium Ascorbate
24mg Vitamin C (30%) RI:*  :   27.3mg of Sodium Ascorbate 
80mg Vitamin C (100%) RI*  :  90.9mg of Sodium Ascorbate

*RI = Reference Intake

Sodium-l-ascorbate is a permitted source of vitamin C in the following categories:

Fortified Foods (Reg. 1925/2006)

Food Supps (Directive 2002/46/EC)

Infant Formulae & Follow-on formulae (Directive 2006/141/EC, Regulation 609/2013)

Processed cereal-based foods and baby foods for infants and young children (Directive 2006/125/EC, Regulation 609/2013)

Foods for Specific Medical Purposes (Regulation 609/2013 (replacing Regulation (EC) N° 953/2009))

Total diet replacements for weight control (Regulation 609/2013 (replacing Regulation (EC) N° 953/2009))

Food Additive

For maximum levels for sodium ascorbate (E 301)as an additive, see Regulation 1333/2008. Sodium Ascorbate is a Group I Additive.

For more information regarding the safety of sodium ascorbate, see the review by EFSA: 

Health Claim

Condition of use

Vitamin C contributes to maintain the normal function of the immune system during and after intense physical exercise

The claim may be used only for food which provides a daily intake of 200 mg vitamin C. In order to bear the claim information shall be given to the consumer that the beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 200 mg in addition to the recommended daily intake of vitamin C.

Vitamin C contributes to normal collagen formation for the normal function of blood vessels

Source of Vitamin C

Vitamin C contributes to normal collagen formation for the normal function of bones

Source of Vitamin C

Vitamin C contributes to normal collagen formation for the normal function of cartilage

Source of Vitamin C

Vitamin C contributes to normal collagen formation for the normal function of gums

Source of Vitamin C

Vitamin C contributes to normal collagen formation for the normal function of skin

Source of Vitamin C

Vitamin C contributes to normal collagen formation for the normal function of teeth

Source of Vitamin C

Vitamin C contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism

Source of Vitamin C

Vitamin C contributes to normal functioning of the nervous system

Source of Vitamin C

Vitamin C contributes to normal psychological function

Source of Vitamin C

Vitamin C contributes to the normal function of the immune system

Source of Vitamin C

Vitamin C contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress

Source of Vitamin C

Vitamin C contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue

Source of Vitamin C

Vitamin C contributes to the regeneration of the reduced form of vitamin E

Source of Vitamin C

Vitamin C increases iron absorption

Source of Vitamin C




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