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Product code: P13939

A postbiotic powder with proven results.

  • Shelf stable 
  • A good addition to gut health blends
  • Clinically studied 

MetaBac® is a probiotic powder with proven results - a versatile ingredient targeting the gut health and healthy ageing markets.

What are postbiotics?

Unlike probiotics which are live bacteria that help regulate the gut microbiome, postbiotics are the metabolic byproducts of probiotics that have been shown to have numerous health benefits.

Postbiotic powder is made by fermenting probiotics and then extracting the beneficial compounds that are produced. These compounds, which include short-chain fatty acids and peptides, have been found to improve gut health and even help improve physiological markers such as blood glucose and cholesterol. 

MetaBac® is suitable for dietary supplements (i.e. powder blends, capsules and tablets).

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