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Introducing CurraNZ®

Our Product Innovation Team has brought a brand-new partner on board with us, and we are excited to be working with Health Currancy to bring you CurraNZ®!

What is CurraNZ?

CurraNZ® is an award-winning, health and sports ingredient made from 100% high-potency blackcurrants grown on the Canterbury Plains of the South Island in New Zealand.

Abbey Tyrrell, Product Innovation Executive at Cambridge Commodities said: “We are really excited to bring CurraNZ® to our portfolio. Their blackcurrant extract is backed by research and has won numerous awards. Most recently, they won Product of the Year: Sports Nutrition at the NutraIngredients awards in May!”

The benefits of CurraNZ® are characterised by Enzans®, key identifiers of the high-potency New Zealand blackcurrant bio-actives that deliver unique, proven and broad-spectrum properties. Only Enzans® have been proven in an international program of peer-reviewed health and sports research.

If you’re interested in finding out more about CurraNZ®, click the link below.

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