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2021 Modern Slavery update

Following a recent announcement by the UK Government that they will be instituting measures to help ensure that British organisations are not complicit in, nor profiting from, human rights violations in China’s Xinjiang Province, we have been asked by a few customers to confirm whether we are directly or indirectly sourcing products, components, or ingredients from the Xinjiang region.

Cambridge Commodities is committed to sourcing high quality ingredients solely from reputable companies with employment policies that are in line with our own ethical values.

Under section 54 of 2015's Modern Slavery Act, we are required to produce annual modern slavery statements laying out the precautions our suppliers have taken to tackle modern slavery in their operations and supply chains.

We have two suppliers based in the Xinjiang region, that is specifically highlighted in the government announcement. Part of our supplier approval process includes actively asking all suppliers to complete an ethical questionnaire and to agree to our ethical trading declaration, to ensure their employment behaviours and policies are compliant with our terms of supply. In addition to this we encourage all of our suppliers to become members of Sedex to provide a further level of transparency within our supply chain, in regards to their ethical practices.

Our Modern Slavery statement is for the financial year of 1/12/20 to 30/11/21. To view the statement, please click here.

We would like to reassure our customers that we are closely monitoring the situation as it develops and that we will continue to apply our usual high standards of diligence as we follow any forthcoming government guidance.

Click here to view the government news on the Xianjiang Province.

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